Emuna Beams

Child Education


Try a Hug

Sunday Mar 03, 2024

Sunday Mar 03, 2024

A distraught teacher was having terrible disciplinary problems with a boy in his class. He sought advice from the great Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Vozner, of blessed memory. This is a 90-second must-hear for both parents and teachers. 

Torah and the Active Brain

Monday Apr 17, 2023

Monday Apr 17, 2023

People like me began to learn Torah after completing advanced degrees in higher education. We are keenly familiar with both sides of the fence, secular and academic education versus Torah education. Let's see, objectively, which develops more powerful brain power.

Thursday Jan 26, 2023

In two words, the Torah tells a parent how to educate and raise emotionally-healthy children. The converse of these same two words shows what a parent should avoid doing.

Family Flak

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Today's lesson sheds light on verbal abuse in families. Why do spouses disparage one another? Children are the greatest gift the Almighty can bestow on a couple. Why do parents tear their children apart with yelling and criticism? Does a family lack an adequate income? Strife in the home is most likely the culprit. More than anything, let's see how verbal abuse damages the soul. Rebbe Nachman says that if you believe you can ruin something, believe that you can rectify it.

Special Needs, Special Emuna

Monday Apr 25, 2022

Monday Apr 25, 2022

Raising a special needs child is not only a tremendous challenge, but a difficult test of emuna as well. Many parents of special needs children ask, "Why me?" Good question! Let's get some answers...

Kids and Spirituality

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021

Do we have a right to expect our children to sit through lengthy synagogue services like little tin soldiers, without moving a muscle? Do we have a right to expect anything from our children? What's the basis of effective child education rather than force-feeding our kids? In a two-minute message from the holy Western Wall in Jerusalem, Rabbi Lazer explains...

Amalek and the Geek

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021

Wednesday Jun 30, 2021

Today's podcast is all about the generation gap and how to bridge it.

The Path of Parents

Thursday Jul 16, 2020

Thursday Jul 16, 2020

A small parental deviation becomes greater and greater with each successive generation. The path a parent takes today - for better of for worse - house a profound effect on future generations.

My Name is Moishie

Sunday Apr 26, 2020

Sunday Apr 26, 2020

You know the old expression: Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me! Whoever coined that never learned Torah and didn't understand much about the human soul. There are plenty of adults walking around today with deep emotional scars that never healed because of a derogatory nickname that someone gave them when they were young. If that someone was a parent, it takes a miracle to heal the insulted child's soul, who grows up with a negative self-image that's worse than a physical handicap. Today's lesson is a must for any parent or for anyone who aspires to be a parent.

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