Emuna Beams

Geula and Redemption


Moshiach and COVID 19

Friday Jul 03, 2020

Friday Jul 03, 2020

COVID 19, like everything else not only comes from Hashem but is Hashem's emissary to prepare the world for Moshiach and Geula, the redemption of the Jewish People and the ingathering of the exiles to our homeland of Israel. In fact, you could say that COVID 19 is the Minister of Education, teaching people what they should have learned on their own. Today's podcast looks at the lessons COVID 19 is bringing to the world.


Sunday May 03, 2020

Sunday May 03, 2020

So many people nowadays feel short-tempered, or nervous, or worn out, or all three. The lurking threat of sickness and the difficult challenge of lockdown, quarantine and kids at home are eating away at their nerves. If you feel like that, don't be down on yourself, because it's natural and even mentioned in the Gemara. Hear all about it in today's encouraging podcast, which is bound to make you feel better about yourself.

Monday Apr 27, 2020

The twelfth of our Thirteen Principles of Emuna requires us all to eagerly anticipate Moshiach. There's no one, religious or not, who doesn't want Moshiach, so where is he? Why has it become so unpopular to talk about Moshiach, to the extent that the rabbinical leaders of our generation are hush on the subject?

The Water on the Roof

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020

There's a classic historical pattern whenever Antisemitism exploded in full force; it was always preceded by plague or economic crises. The same pattern is repeating itself right now. What can we do about it?

Corona Vertigo

Friday Apr 17, 2020

Friday Apr 17, 2020

Vertigo is a term that jet pilots use to describe spatial disorientation. When a pilot approaches the sound barrier, strange things can occur, especially on a clear-day's flight over water. The pilot is liable to become disoriented and to confuse the blue of the sea with the blue of the sky, and vice versa. Here's the good news: the way a pilot learns to avoid vertigo is the same exact way we can learn to cope in these ever-challenging times.

The Gate of Geula

Sunday Apr 12, 2020

Sunday Apr 12, 2020

The Ramcha'l osb"m wrote a Kabbalistic discourse nearly 300 years ago entitled, Ma'amar Hageula, or "Discourse of Geula." There, he brings forth some seemingly cryptic preconditions for the full and final redemption, all of which are happening today before our own eyes, as we hear in today's podcast.

The Light in the Darkness

Friday Apr 03, 2020

Friday Apr 03, 2020

The darkness is getting heavier by the day: good and righteous people are becoming infected with and dying from COVID-19. Antisemites around the world are blaming the Jews. The secular media both in the USA and in Israel are blaming the Haredim. The tests of emuna are unprecedented, especially in the critical ares of health and income, but it's no coincidence that this is all happening right before Passover. Is there any light in all this darkness? What's happening? Let's find out...

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020

Emuna teaches us that everything is from Hashem is a loving Father, so that everything He does is for our ultimate benefit. If we look close enough, we can find a concealed blessing within every creation. If so, the big question is, what could possibly be a blessing about a pandemic in general, and Coronavirus in particular? Let's get some answers in today's podcast...

The Reward of Life

Friday Mar 20, 2020

Friday Mar 20, 2020

These days, during the challenge of the Coronavirus pandemic, any person with the slightest bit of emuna thanks Hashem profusely for every new day of life, even every moment of life. As things are getting shut down by the minute, we are limited in our choices. But, there is one important choice we can make, where we earn the reward of a good and healthy life, just as our sages promise...

Thursday Mar 12, 2020

In this week's Torah portion, Moses begs Hashem to forgive the nation of Israel for the sin of the golden calf and says, "please pardon them of their sin, Hashem, for they are a stiff-necked people." (Exodus 34:9)
A stiff neck is the Torah's way of saying stubborn. Like any other character trait, stubbornness can go either way, for good or for evil. Throughout the ages, our righteous people have been so stubborn in their faith that they preferred to endure torture and death in sanctification of Hashem's Name rather than compromise their emuna. On the other hand, the riff-raff of our people have always stubbornly refused to recognize Hashem's monarchy and His Divine Providence, choosing the path of publicly and blatantly trampling the Torah's laws, from the time of Moses to the present.
Hashem is not some old lady in the sky that can do nothing against the Corona Virus, Heaven forbid. The first principle of our emuna is the "He alone did does and will do every deed." The Coronavirus, like all powers of evil, are emissaries of the Almighty and the executioners of stern judgment in the world. But like all powers, they can be harnessed to do good as well. Today's podcast shows the amazing way that the Coronavirus is paving the way to Moshiach...

Monday Jan 27, 2020

Are Gog and Magog really dead? Will there be a nuclear war? What about Moshiach, where does he fit in to the current-events news puzzle? What does the Noahide movement have to do with all of this?  Today's podcast looks at what's happening all around us through eyes of emuna and puts contemporary affairs in their proper spiritual perspective.

A Healthy National Heart

Monday Dec 30, 2019

Monday Dec 30, 2019

There isn't a single one of us that doesn't have a problem that hurts. To understand why, we must look at our spiritual health. We are all limbs of the whole body known as the Jewish People. Oftentimes, the pain in a limb is pain that has been radiated from the heart. In that vein, our individual problems are radiated from our national heart, Jerusalem and the Beit Hamikdash.

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