Emuna Beams

Income and Livelihood


Emuna Money

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Is your money kosher for Passover? Is it kosher at all? Kosher money carries a big blessing and goes a long way...

The Bond of Abundance

Thursday Jan 26, 2023

Thursday Jan 26, 2023

A realtor can work 200 hours and show 60 houses in a month and not sell a single one. On the other hand, his colleague works part-time as a realtor for an hour or two every evening. The colleague's wife was having a baby so he couldn't work much that month. His evenings were devoted to caring for his children. He showed one house that month and sold it. The commission he earned was sufficient for the entire month. Spiritually, what's going on?

Shining Sun, Bright Moon

Thursday Dec 29, 2022

Thursday Dec 29, 2022

In Kabbalistic teachings, we learn that a man receives his income by virtue of the illumination of his wife's soul. He must act like the sun and shine brightly on her. She is identical to the moon. Even her bodily rhythm is lunar. And like the moon, she does great things with the light she gets from the sun. Today's lesson provides a much deeper understanding of the marital relationship.

Clean Green

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022

Wednesday Feb 16, 2022

An adequate income doesn't depend on how much money you make; it depends on the quality of the money you make. Today's podcast is the key to all the money you need.

Doorstep Delivery

Thursday Jan 13, 2022

Thursday Jan 13, 2022

Today, we learn all about Divine Direction in making a living. Contrary to what Western society thinks, one doesn't have generate income by working around the clock. We'll also learn four easy ways to assure an adequate income.

Heaven-Sent Bread

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022

It doesn't matter whether there are pandemics, lockdowns and layoffs. Today's podcast is the key to an easy and adequate income.

The Costly Clean Shave

Sunday Jan 02, 2022

Sunday Jan 02, 2022

The young man looked in the mirror. He didn't like what he saw. He asked himself, "How can I go to an interview looking like this? It's ridiculous to wear my best when my stubbly face looks like I'm a drunk from the gutter!" Yet, he knew that shaving during the 3 Weeks was a serious breach of Jewish faith, for it shows that the transgressor is apathetic about the destruction of the Holy Temple. He was at war with himself. He felt that his career and his future were at stake, so he decided to ask the great Rabbi Moshe Feinstein what to do...

Heaven-Sent Bread

Thursday Mar 04, 2021

Thursday Mar 04, 2021

We learn an important new word in Hebrew today - hishtadlus, or effort. The age-old question that each of us has is how much hishtadlus must one do in making a living? What's the relationship between hishtadlus and bitachon, between effort and trust in Hashem? Our sages teach that the material we incorporate in today's lesson is a major income-enhancer.

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