Emuna Beams



Gaza, Geula and Moshiach

Friday May 14, 2021

Friday May 14, 2021

How do we make sense out of the current war with Gaza in light of emuna? Today's Emuna News analysis shows how this is all part of Hashem's plan for Geula.

Birth Pangs of Moshiach

Sunday May 09, 2021

Sunday May 09, 2021

Just like childbirth, the closer we get to Moshiach, the more frequent and excruciating the pains become. Is there room for alarm? Is there any consolation?

The Roots of Moshiach

Thursday May 06, 2021

Thursday May 06, 2021

This is our fourth and final chapter of the Book of Ruth, but we begin with a synopsis of the first three chapters. The Book of Ruth gives an amazing insight into the magnificent and unexpected events that lead up to Moshiach and Geula.

Midnight Encounter

Thursday Apr 29, 2021

Thursday Apr 29, 2021

If you think Torah isn't exciting, you haven't yet learned the Book of Ruth properly.If you think Torah isn't romantic, you haven't yet learned the Book of Ruth properly.If you think Torah isn't inspiring, you haven't yet learned the Book of Ruth properly.If you think Torah sells women short and is chauvinistic, sorry, you don't know the Book of Ruth.Here's your chance to learn and appreciate the beauty of the Book of Ruth. Today's lesson begin with a review of Chapters One and Two, then hits the height of the drama and suspense of Chapter Three.

Thursday Apr 22, 2021

In Chapter Two of the Book of Ruth, we learn how Moshiach is blessed with the DNA of his great grandmother Ruth, whose compassionate deeds uplifted her from the lowest imaginable spiritual roots to the highest stature imaginable, a truly self-made woman.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021

In our introduction to the Book of Ruth, we learn how the Dark Side tries everything to prevent Moshiach's arrival, so Hashem must engineer it in such a way that catches the unholy spiritual opposition completely off guard.

The Cornerstone

Friday Apr 09, 2021

Friday Apr 09, 2021

Here's an important message for a bullied child or adult, or anyone who feels like an underdog, filmed at the holy gravesite of King David in Jerusalem.

Sunday Feb 14, 2021

Rebbe Akiva thought that Bar Kochba (Kosiva) was messiah. What misled him? How can we avoid following an impostor? Better yet, how do we recognize a false messiah?

All About Moshiach

Thursday Jan 28, 2021

Thursday Jan 28, 2021

Today's lesson is a guide for the perplexed, those who want answers to the following questions:
1. Who is Moshiach and how will we recognize him?
2. What will happen when Moshiach comes?
3. Will life be different in the age of Moshiach?
4. Is there any truth to the claims made recently that Moshiach will come by a certain date? 

Onions and Lame Ducks

Sunday Dec 06, 2020

Sunday Dec 06, 2020

This week's Emuna News shows how the similar pattern of politics on both sides of the Atlantic is a clear sign of the way Hashem is preparing the world for the new era of Moshiach.

Avalanche or Birth?

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020

Welcome to Emuna News, where you find out what's really happening in the world. Today's news update and message is, "Avalanche or Birth?" It sounds weird, but it's an exact description of current events right, where we find out the connection between COVID 19, wildfires, BLM and Yom Kippur.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020

Many of us want to change, yet we expect it to happen automatically, with no effort on our part. Life doesn't work that way. An old Hebrew expression says, "Even a journey of a thousand kilometers begins with a first step." What does that have to do with Moshiach, Geula? Do we really want them, or do we want to continue with exile, Diaspora and fasting on Tisha B'av?

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