Emuna Beams

Personal Growth


Flower in the Desert

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020

The desert is not unsightly desolation as many people think. Its vastness and its many unique features, especially in winter, bring out an indescribable beauty. When we're alone - like a desert - we too can flower, as we learn in today's podcast from McDowell State Park in Arizona.

Your Path and Your Peak

Friday Feb 28, 2020

Friday Feb 28, 2020

Hashem's world is a classroom. Join Rabbi Lazer Brody at McDowell Peak in Arizona to see the amazing lessons in life we learn from the desert.

3 Simple Steps to Success

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020

For many of us, our goals seem like dreams that are impossible to reach. We want them to materialize, but we think they never will. If you think you can't, today you'll learn 3 time-tested tips of how you can and will succeed in whatever you want to accomplish - spiritual, material or both.

A Healthy Self-Image

Thursday Jan 02, 2020

Thursday Jan 02, 2020

When you feel good about yourself, other people will feel good about you. There are three ways to pursue happiness and to build a healthy self-image: strengthening the body, strengthening the soul, or to understand that body and soul are inseparable and to strengthen both simultaneously. Today's Emuna Beam teaches us how to do that.

Make Yourself Happy

Monday Dec 23, 2019

Monday Dec 23, 2019

Before you can make others happy, you have to make yourself happy. That's not egotism, but a requisite to emotional health. Therefore, don't do anything unless you want to and it makes you happy. There is, though, one significant exception to that rule - if someone saved your life, you'd be an ingrate by saying, "I don't feel like doing a small favor for that person." Don't forget gratitude...

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